Volunteers needed for the Irish Festival!

Volunteers needed for the Irish Festival!

Please join us after 10:45 Mass in the basement for Irish Festival meeting! We need volunteers to help us throw the oldest street festival in the city!

**Baked goods are needed for sale at the Festival. Popular items are: Cupcakes, cookies, bars, Irish Soda Bread, pie slices, and cake. There is no sign up for bake sale donations but if you have questions, please attend the Irish Festival Meetings after the 10:45 Mass or contact Kathy Buttner.

Lenten Dinner

Lenten Dinner

Don’t miss the delicious Lenten Dinners at our sister parish, St. John, every Friday during Lent from 5-7pm. Fried and baked fish and a diverse seafood selection is on the menu; and for those non-fish lovers, delicious pastas will be served. There will also be Stations of the Cross at 6:30pm.

Christmas Eve Mass

Christmas Eve Mass

Last night at Christmas Eve Mass the children helped Father Frank with his homily! Merry Christmas to all! Remember Christmas Mass is at 10:45 today!

Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert

What a beautiful Christmas concert Friday evening. Wonderful job done by our vocalist and instrumentalist from St. Patrick, St. John, and St. Peter.